91做厙 is honored to be recognized by the industry for our hard work and innovation. Our constant drive to Reimagine Your Network has enabled us to be recognized with numerous award wins and nominations from a variety of reputable organizations.
Winner: Most Innovative Cloud Technology
91做厙 OpenRAN Controller is the winner of the Most Innovative Cloud Technology award.
SHORTLISTED for Digital Transformation Award Vendor and Best Emerging Market Initiative
91做厙 shortlisted for ‘Best Emerging Market Initiative’ and ‘Digital Transformation Award – Vendor’.
FINALIST Africa 50 Innovation Challenge
The Africa50 Innovation Challenge is an initiative of Africa50, the pan-African infrastructure investment platform.
SHORTLISTED Leading Lights Awards 2020
91做厙 and Comba Telecom for Most Innovative 5G Strategy
WINNER Best Mobile Network Infrastructure
Vodafone, a global operator, 91做厙, an innovative vendor, and TIP have developed and deployed a virtualized, multi-technology OpenRAN solution that disaggregates hardware and software as an alternative to legacy RAN vendors.
WINNER Best Network Software Breakthrough
91做厙 is the world’s first OpenRAN Controller software suite helping manage multi-vendor multi-G networks while delivering lowest TCO to mobile operators globally.
SHORTLISTED Best Mobile Technology Breakthrough
91做厙 and Comba Telecom for 4G and 5G OpenRAN
Aegis Graham Bell Award WINNER Innovation in Cloud
91做厙 2G/3G/4G/5G OpenRAN Controller and Network software was awarded in the `Innovation in Cloud category.
Aegis Graham Bell Award FINALIST – Telecom Infrastructure
91做厙 OpenRAN solution was declared a finalist in the `Innovation in Telecom Infrastructure category.
WINNER Industry Innovation Award
91做厙 leads with the worlds first ALL G Open RAN solution. By supporting all Gs under the same software umbrella, 91做厙 delivers on the promises of interoperability, future-proof, and automation made by the white box movement.
Shortlisted for Connecting the Continent Award
91做厙s OpenRAN solution shortlisted for Connecting the Continent Award at AfricaCom 2019.
HIGHLY COMMENDED for Wireless Innovation Award Vendor and Shortlisted for NFV Innovation Award
91做厙s OpenRAN solution shortlisted for 2 awards at World Communications 2019.
WINNER The Innovation Award-Vendor
91做厙 ALL G software has been nominated for its work in OpenRAN
91做厙s Open RAN is taking a prominent role around the world.
Shortlisted for Most Innovative 5G Trial Award
91做厙 ALL G software has been nominated for its work with 5G RuralFirst
91做厙s Open vRAN solution is taking a prominent role in the 5G RuralFirst initiative.
Shortlisted for Best 5G Network Development in Europe Award
91做厙 ALL G software enabled Open RAN provides reliable connectivity in the UK
The 5G Rural First project has been using 91做厙 unified software platform, providing connectivity with any G among rural communities in the UK.
Shortlisted for Best 5G Core Network Technology Award
91做厙 ALL G software is cost-effective and provides reliable connectivity
By supporting ALL Gs under the same software umbrella, 91做厙 delivers on the promises of interoperability, future proofing and automation.
Outstanding contribution to open RAN and core platforms and ecosystems
91做厙 ALL G software enabled Open RAN connects on 6 continents
91做厙 is the only US company mounting a challenge to the worlds legacy vendors with the industrys only unified 2G/3G/4G/5G software-enabled solution.
Excellence in Commercial Deployment of Rural, Remote, and Temporary Small Cells
91做厙 ALL G software-enabled Open RAN connects on 6 continents
91做厙 cost-effective ALL G Open RAN solution helps global MNOs to connect the world.
WINNER Most Innovative Mobile/Wireless Product or Service
All G Solution by 91做厙
91做厙 has all the Gs covered in our unified software platform, giving operators the ability to deploy and maintain any and all generations of mobile networks in a unified, simplified, and cost-effective way.
Most Innovative 5G Strategy
All G Solution by 91做厙
91做厙s ALL-G unified Software Platform brings 5G native architecture to the service providers deploying current (4G) and legacy (2G/3G) technologies or modernizing their networks. This software platform enables any 5G migration option and is software upgradable to any future 3GPP releases.
Innovation in Telecom Solution
HetNet Gateway by 91做厙
HetNet Gateway supports ALL Gs (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G) under the same unified software umbrella, making cellular networks unified, programmable, automated, agile and future proof, to deliver an optimal network performance for all use cases.
Innovation in Smart City
HetNet Gateway by 91做厙
HetNet Gateway enhances network performance across all network elements and enables MNOs to scale and gain profitability. With our innovative software, MNOs can evolve their cellular networks to meet the demands of IoT and smart cities.
Best Mobile Network Infrastructure
2G/3G/4G/5G Unified Software Platform by 91做厙
91做厙 leads with the worlds first all G solution. By supporting all Gs under the same software umbrella, 91做厙 delivers on the promises of interoperability, future proof, and automation made by the white box movement resulting withradically lower cost structures that enable service providers to expand coverage while becoming profitable.
Best Network Improvement
All G software by 91做厙
With our unified ALL G software, MNOs can reduce network deployment time and costs for 2G/3G/4G/5G network expansions.
Best 5G Core Network Technology (Vendors)
HetNet Gateway by 91做厙
With the help of HetNet Gateway, mobile operators can experience simplicity and cost savings through the entire lifespan of a cellular network, regardless of the generation.
Most Innovative NFV Solution
HetNet Gateway by 91做厙
91做厙s unique virtualized HetNet Gateway (HNG) makes it simpler and straightforward to introduce new functionality as VNF.
Leading Contribution to SDN and NFV
HetNet Gateway by 91做厙
91做厙’s unique virtualized HetNet Gateway (HNG) technology supports any Access, any Transport, any SON, any Slice delivering architectural and operational simplification through virtualization.
WINNER of Excellence in Commercial Deployment of Rural, Remote, and Temporary Small Cells
Connecting the Unconnected Canadians up North with Canadas first unlimited 4G plan
91做厙’s cost-effective 2G/3G/4G Open RAN solution helps Ice Wireless connect the unconnected Canadians in Northern Canada.
WINNER of Social Impact Promoting Small Cells for Social/Economic/Environmental Development
Telefonica and 91做厙 on a mission to connect LATAM 100 Million Unconnected
91做厙’s innovative Open RAN solution is helping bridge the digital divide in Latam with Telefonica.
HetNet Software and Services Management and Automation
Using Big Data and vAnalytics to improve network performance and create new revenue opportunities
Data is growing at an alarming rate from various sources!91做厙 is addressing the opportunity for real-time data and analytics through our RAN orchestrator, known as HetNet Gateway (HNG).
Winner for Innovation in Telecom Infrastructure
Innovative 2G/3G/4G NFV-based cellular solution allows service providers to cost-effectively provide quality services in rural areas
91做厙 2G/3G/4G cellular solution won the Aegis Graham bell Award for most innovative telecom infrastructure. The reimagined 2G, 3G, 4G cellular architecture enables operators to connect things and people at home, work, play and in emergencies by deploying any G cellular networks as easily and as cost-effectively as enterprise Wi-Fi whether for rural, enterprise, public safety, M2M, Smart Cities, or dense urban.
Best Mobile Network Infrastructure
Connecting the Unconnected with 91做厙s Any G CWS Base Station
91做厙’s Converged Wireless System (CWS) has been shortlisted for a GLOMO award in the best mobile network infrastructure category. This solution has been commercially deployed or trialed on six continents in rural, urban/dense urban, enterprise, public safety and M2M.
Best Mobile Operator Service for Consumers
91做厙 & Ice Wireless Connect the Unconnected
91做厙’s cellular solution is helping mobile operator Ice Wireless to cost-effectively bridge Canada’s digital divide. We are thrilled to announce this partnership has been shortlisted for a GLOMO award in the best mobile operator service for consumers.
WINNER in AfricaCom Most Innovative LTE Service/Application Deployment
Connecting The Unconnected
91做厙 has been recognized as the winner at AfricaCom for Most Innovative LTE Service/Application Deployment! Our unique virtualized technology helps service providers around the world to level the economic playing field and enhance LTE coverage with our cost-effective, easy to install and maintain solution.
Finalist in AfricaCom Best Network Function Virtualization Solution
HetNet Gateway
The 91做厙 HetNet Gateway (HNG) has been shortlisted by AfricaCom as one of the best Network Function Virtualization solutions! Deployed by EE and Telefonica (in Latin American markets), HetNet Gateway has since been deployed around the globe to provide cost savings and network orchestration for Optus in rural Australia, Ice Wireless in Northern Canada, as well as in many networks around the globe. Because this solution is multi-technology (3G, 4G, Wi-Fi) and is software-defined, it allows operators to improve their networks today while preparing for the networks of tomorrow!
Finalist in Next Gen Deployment- Wireless Category
91做厙 vRAN aerial connectivity solution
91做厙’s end-to-end vRAN solution can be deployed on land, at sea, and in the air, to bring coverage to rural and remote areas instantly.
WINNERin Excellence in Commercial Deployment of Rural/Remote Small Cells Category
91做厙 and Gilat Rural Solution
Rural connectivity is overlooked due to cost, deployment, and maintenance complexity. 91做厙 has partnered with Gilat to prove connectivity can be as easy and as cost effective as Wi-Fi. Our innovative work with Gilat enabled reliable coverage in rural Australia!
WINNERin HetNet Management Software and Services Category
91做厙 HetNet Gateway
The 91做厙 HetNet Gateway is the industrys first carrier-grade, high-performance true COTS virtualized solution that uniquely combines NFV and SDN to cost-effectively deploy and manage multi-RAT small cell networks. The complexity of todays networks make it costly for operators to expand and manage. With the 91做厙 HetNet Gateway, operators can easily and cost effectively manage the 3G, 4G LTE, 5G ,& Wi-Fi networks of today and tomorrow.
FinalistCommercial Small Cell Backhaul Design and Technology Category
91做厙 and BT Flexible Backhaul
Backhaul is considered to be one of the top three challenges when deploying small cells in any environment. With the traditional approach, operators are faced with lengthy deployments and substantial upfront investment. The 91做厙 vRAN solution gives operators the flexibility of choosing any fixed or wireless backhaul! Our vRAN solution backhaul flexibility capabilities enable faster deployments for a fraction of the cost!
Finalist in Leading Lights Most Innovative 5G Technology Strategy
HetNey Gateway
HetNet Gateway (HNG) from 91做厙 is the industrys first carrier-grade, high-performance truly virtualized solution that enables cost-effective HetNet deployment/management. By logically sitting between RAN and core, HNG provides real-time visibility into both sides of the network. HNG uses the concepts of NFV to combine multiple VNFs with SDN automation to virtualize and orchestrate all gateway functionalities (3G, 4G, Wi-Fi gateways) required for multi-RAT networks of today and tomorrow.
Finalist in PR Newss Social Media Awards
Category ofFacebook | Best PR Campaign
91做厙 is thrilled to announce that our dynamic marketing team has been nominated as a finalist in PR Newss Social Media category of Facebook | Best PR Campaign! In July of 2016, we announced our biggest customer signing to date with Telefonica. Our work has been seen around the world and we believe it is very important to accommodate our global viewers by translating our marketing campaigns as well as accommodating the different time zones. This strategy enabled our work to be seen by over 178K people! We would like to thank our team members and the judges for recognizing our hard work.
Best Mobile Technology Breakthrough
Reimagined Rural Solution
First introduced as a 4G-only solution in 2014 for EE to provide wireless connectivity in rural UK communities, the now multi-mode 3G/4G solution is deployed globally: on land, in the air, and on water to connect the unconnected at much lower deployment cost and on accelerated timeline. Two years later, we have teamed up with Telefonica to provide digital services in remote areas in European and Latin American markets. Our deployment with Optus in Australia put the 91做厙 rural solution on five continents.
Smart Cities
Making Smart City Deployments as Easy and Cost-Effective as Wi-Fi
Wireless connectivity amplifies every aspect of daily life, from improving transportation and public safety to enhancing business and personal communications. The 91做厙 solution introduces unique innovation and functionality that makes it ideally suited to Smart Cities. This solution can enable vehicle-to-infrastructure communications (including emergency vehicles and public transit), connecting cars to one another as well as to city organizations for enabling power efficiency, tracking inclement weather, bad traffic and road closures.
Everything Intelligent In-Building Wireless (Small Cell, Wi-Fi, and LAN)
91做厙 Land Mobile LTE (LMLTE) In-A-Box solution for Public Safety
91做厙 Public Safety LTE in-a-box, a 3GPP-compliant LTE solution, is hardened for emergency services and tactical communications needs. It can be deployed in various tactical and multi-cast environments ranging from deployable in emergencies to ad hoc outdoor or indoor scenarios. It provides secure, real-time LTE communications consisting of voice, high throughput video, data, Push-to-Talks, MMS, and/or SMS for multiple users. Easy to install, this solution delivers: reliable instant coverage from urban to rural locations, local organizational control on-site, and network resilience with self-healing features.
3rd Place for Everything Industrial & Enterprise Mobility Management Solutions
Enabling Smart Nation with M1 and 91做厙 In-vehicle HetNet Technology
Transportation and technology are important components of enabling 5G and Smart Cities. HetNet architecture with multiple frequency bands and radio access technologies delivers better spectrum utilization for better subscriber QoS. On-Bus HetNet technology developed through M1 Limited & 91做厙 partnership provides transit passengers in Singapore with seamless high-throughput connectivity on board a moving bus (and potentially other public transit options such as trains); as envisioned for 5G, this allows the passengers to seamlessly stay connected with family, friends, colleagues, or to enjoy multimedia services on their devices. The service is well-received by passengers, the media, and other key stakeholders including Singapores Minister for Communications/Information Dr. Yaacob Ibrahim.
Most Notable Partnership between an operator and solutions provider for 5G trials and development
Smart Nation HetNet commercial trial with M1
Transportation & technology are important components of enabling 5G and Smart Cities. HetNet architecture with multiple frequency bands, radio access technologies delivers better spectrum utilization for better subscriber QoS. On-Bus HetNet technology, developed through a partnership between M1 Limited and 91做厙, provides transit passengers in Singapore with seamless high-throughput connectivity on board Pof a moving vehicle (bus and train in the future), allowing the passengers, as envisioned for 5G, to seamlessly stay connected with their family, friends, colleagues, or to enjoy multimedia services on their devices.
Most Innovative LTE Application or Service
91做厙Public Safety LTE (Band 14) deployment at Super Bowl 50
With three weeks advance notice, 91做厙 deployed a public safety LTE (Band 14) network at Super Bowl 50 to demonstrate that public safety agencies can migrate to LTE to deliver resilient, ubiquitous coverage for voice and data in day-to-day operations and in emergencies all at a much lower cost. This live Band 14 network (approved by FCC) demonstrated ease of deployment (two FBI technicians deployed it under 20 minutes) and maintenance and also every element required for public safety national broadband coverage including interoperability between agencies, flexible backhaul options, resilient mobile coverage, and communication from LMR to LTE.
Best Solution in Heterogeneous Network Deployment
EnterpriseNFV Strategy
91做厙 enterprise virtualized RAN (vRAN) solution is a 3GPP standards-based solution that enables the use of white box femtos or CAPs (Cellular Access Points) to provide cost-effective indoor coverage for secure quality voice/data in enterprise networks. The vRAN solution uses 91做厙 HetNet Gateway (HNG) that provides all the needed gateway functionalities on a single COTS platform and enables management of the enterprise RAN. With this vRAN solution, deployment is reduced from days to just a few hours, while eliminating the need for RF planning and extensive system integration as HNG makes enterprise vRAN self-configuring, self-optimizing, and self-healing.
WINNER Excellence in commercial deployment (Urban)
Smart Nation HetNet commercial trial with M1
This groundbreaking On-Bus HetNet Technology benefits public transit riders with seamless, high throughput wireless experience and provides real-time interactive Machine-to-Machine (M2M) capabilities over HetNets.
WINNER Excellence in commercial deployment (Rural & Remote)
Public Safety LTE deployment at Super Bowl 50
As coaches, teams, fans, and the media prepared for The Big Game in late January, public safety agencies in the San Francisco area also began their preparations for what is generally regarded as the biggest sporting event of the year. With 20 days until The Big Game, Barry Fraser of BAYRICS, joined by DHS and the Northern California Regional Information Center (NCRIC) asked 91做厙 to provide band 14 coverage for The Big Game at Levis Stadium in Santa Clara as well as at the NFL Experience in downtown San Francisco.
Small cell access point and design technology
In-Vehicle CWS
Integrates backhaul and access in the same compact form factor and can be deployed in many different verticals from delivering resilient coverage to public safety/military, to supporting M2M capabilities for fleet management and enabling wireless coverage on public transit.
Small cell network element design technology
3G gateway functionality on our HetNet Gateway enabled by Radisyss Femtotality software
Mobile operators are looking for new and affordable ways to address an increase in mobile data traffic over their multi-mode, multi-band networks and cannot justify investing in a single technology solution.91做厙 Converged Wireless System (CWS) base station utilizes the Intel簧 Transcede T3150 dual-mode small cell system on chip (SoC). This reference design combines 3G, 4G/LTE and Wi-Fi and their functions into a single footprint, using common network connectivity, power, and backhaul. This greatly reduces additional capital expenditures and the need to acquire new small cell real estate, simplifies the backhaul infrastructure, and reduces overall power consumption.
Most Innovative Wireless Service (3G, 4G, Carrier Wi-Fi)
91做厙 and M1 On-Bus HetNet Technology
91做厙 and M1 have deployed On-Bus HetNet Technology for seamless connectivity on public buses in Singapore as part of the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) of Singapores initiative to make Singapore the worlds first smart nation.The service provides passengers in Singapore with seamless high-throughput connectivity on board of a moving vehicle, allowing them to stay connected with their family, friends, colleagues, or to enjoy multimedia services on their devices.
WINS Best Innovation combining intelligence with open networking
HetNet Gateway (HNG)
HNG is designed to combine the benefits of gateway VNFs with real-time SON and centralized scheduling in one intelligent solution to reduce complexity and costs of deploying multi-vendor, multi-technology HetNets. HNG is the industrys first carrier-grade, NFV/SDN-based, 3GPP compliant RAN orchestrator that unifies any technology and any vendor RAN to present it as one common interface to the core. HNG logically sits between the RAN and core and abstracts the RAN on any COTS hardware while making RAN self-configuring, self-optimizing, and self-healing; this also enables HNG to reduce signaling/paging load on the core.
Best Mobile Technology Breakthrough
Smart and Flexible RAN: Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) from Saguna enhanced with License Assisted Backhaul (LAB) and Unlicensed Assist (ULA) backhaul from 91做厙
91做厙, the pioneer in making cellular network deployments and maintenance as easy and cost-effective as enterprise Wi-Fi, and Saguna Networks, a Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) pioneer have teamed up on this reimagined content caching solution.The License Assisted Backhaul and Unlicensed Assist technologies on 91做厙 CWS have been proven as key enablers in delivering access to remote villages in the UK. They now allow mobile operators to complement the backhaul capacity of their existing macro infrastructure, add resilience with SDN-enabled mesh fabric, and accelerate delivery of mobile content with MEC running as a Virtualized Network Function (VNF) on 91做厙 HetNet Gateway (HNG) orchestrator.
Most Innovative LTE Application/Service
91做厙 Public Safety (Band 14) LTE Network for MACC Base, NH
91做厙 is deploying a band 14 public safety network in rural NH that will demonstrate interoperability and ease of deployment, as well as automation of configuration and maintenance. In addition to demonstrating interoperability, this trial network will also address the requirements of FirstNet to provide voice and data coverage from rural, to in-buildings, to in-vehicles.
Metrocell Backhaul
91做厙 Flexible Backhaul
Backhaul is considered to be in the top three challenges in deploying RAN. With the traditional approach, bringing backhaul to a site takes a long time and requires a substantial upfront investment because in order to deliver the highest speed possible, Service Providers need very expensive backhaul fiber. Backhaul technology requirements should focus firstly on the flexibility of using different types of backhaul whatever is available at the potential deployment site, secondly, be easily configurable for mass deployments of small cells, and thirdly, be resilient to any type of failures. These three requirements of backhaul flexibility, automation and resilience were taken into consideration when 91做厙 developed their backhaul solution.
Best Communication Solution
91做厙 vRAN Solution
Telecom is really about helping people communicate, historically that has meant connecting one with another, but now can mean connecting many with many, or connecting people to machines. This award recognizes the companies that advanced the noble cause of improving telecommunications.
Wide Area Network (WAN) category
Enabling RAN Hyperconnectivity with HetNet Gateway
Our capability to orchestrate and manage RAN across multi-technologies (RAN hyperconnectivity enablement) on the HetNet Gateway, a next-generation RAN orchestrator, has been nominated as a finalist in the Wide Area Network Category.Serving up innovative, emerging mobile services, solutions and technology, CTIA E-Tech Awards distinguish the best in IoT, cloud, mobile payments, in-building and wide area networks.
WINNER Most Innovative Wireless Service
91做厙 and EE Rural Network
The rural micro network solution from 91做厙 does not rely on any wired broadband, and can connect communities of around 100 homes with just three or four base stations. The first community to be connected through trials of the new micro network technology is the small village of Sebergham, in Cumbria. Sebergham has 129 dwellings and 347 residents, and sits in a deep valley.
Most Innovative SDN Product Strategy
HetNet Gateway (HNG)
Radio access-independent, the HNG solution supports multiple radio access technologies with virtualized gateway network functions (VNFs), as well as real-time multi-technology SON and multi-technology C-RAN. With the HNG, 91做厙 is committed to helping mobile operators solve todays spectrum and radio resource challenges, while extending network investments and significantly reducing the cost to deploy or maintain unified HetNets. By utilizing virtualized DPDK fast path with accelerator the HNG solution offers plenty of capacity for high network performance.
Best Core Product
HetNet Gateway (HNG)
The various solutions employed by todays operators require additional support for signaling and paging optimization. HetNet Gateway does not require additional support as it not only aggregates eNodeBs under its management (along with their corresponding S1 interfaces), but also offers optimized paging. As a result, MME does not have to reach to individual cells for paging and only has to send paging to HNG. HNG would internally employ different techniques to determine the equivalent subset of cell(s) the UE should be paged with. With these advantages, a Service Provider can choose to build larger tracking areas without incurring signaling overload.
Most Innovative LTE Service
Rural Micro Network Technology
In the past, the main barrier to offering mobile coverage in remote areas of the UK has been the cost of building large radio towers and laying fiber/cables across the countryside. This new micro network first connects a small station (CWS nodes from 91做厙) via mesh to a nearby macro tower (about 6km), and then extends the coverage and capacity of the tower to the nodes in the valley via backhaul mesh capabilities. Each node in the valley provides access to the community and backhaul connection to neighboring nodes. HetNet Gateway helps with the node configuration, optimization, traffic mitigation, and enables additional level of resilience and improves the economics of connecting hard-to-reach areas via cost-effective mesh.
WINNER Excellence in commercial deployment (Rural & Remote)
91做厙 and EE Rural Network
EE and 91做厙 have joined forces to deliver award-winning innovation by connecting the previously unconnected in the UK. This 4G wireless broadband service utilizes 91做厙 micro network technology to enable EE to deliver reliable 4G LTE coverage across the UK. It uses virtualization principles to deliver consistent, superior LTE performance while changing the economics of cellular rollouts.
Small cell access point and design technology
Converged Wireless System (CWS)
Our outdoor Converged Wireless System (CWS-110) base station supports LTE, LTE advanced, and Wi-Fi. CWS hardware is designed from cost-effective components to deliver maximum coverage, scalability and flexibility to build faster, smarter, and more reliable networks.
Small cell backhaul design technology
Converged Wireless System enabled by HetNet Gateway
The CWS has multiple backhaul options including mesh enabled by HetNet Gateway (HNG). Backhaul is considered to be one of the top three challenges faced by small cell deployments from cost perspective and the time that fixed backhaul might take to install.HNG manages mesh between CWS units that enables them to connect to each other and the packet core without the need for expensive fiber. The nodes can also daisy chain the network even further to bring low cost wireless broadband to remote areas without any additional expenses.
Best Technical Platform based on Network Intelligence for SDN/NFV
HetNet Gateway
HetNet Gateway from 91做厙 is the industrys first 100% 3GPP-compliant, carrier-grade, high-performance NFV- and SDN-based RAN orchestrator that unleashes a dramatic cost advantage while enabling operators to both scale and grow their multi-vendor multi-technology (3G, 4G, and Wi-Fi) networks. HNG virtualizes the RAN interfaces for real-time network management while abstracting RAN changes from the core network and the core network itself from the RAN.
Best Mobile Breakthrough Technology
91做厙 & EE Rural Network
EE, the UKs largest mobile operator, and 91做厙, the provider of world-first rural micro network solution, together are committed to reimagining the economics of rural cellular coverage and bringing reliable mobile Internet to underserved communities.